Weather Stations

The MRC weather stations are collecting weather data at Camperdown and Noorat campuses. This data is live-fed into a worldwide platform Weather Underground and can be viewed online in real time.


Weather Underground combines data from over 250,000+ personal weather stations and a proprietary forecast model to give you the most accurate and hyperlocal forecasts, at a microclimate level. Weather Underground provides local & long-range weather forecasts, weather reports, maps & tropical weather conditions for locations worldwide.

To access live feed data being collected by our weather stations go to the links below.
NOTE: Click on the cog in the top right corner of the screen to change to Celsius.


Camperdown Weather Station
Noorat Weather Station

The data collected by the MRC weather stations has many educational purposes in a range of areas.


• Learning about and analysing weather patterns.

• Learning about weather forecasting techniques.

• Studying solar energy and other renewable energy sources.


• Learning about data analysis techniques using real data from our weather stations.

Agricultural Studies

• Studying the effect weather events have on our agricultural sector.

Sun Smart

• Looking at the UV index and its relationship to our SunSmart policy.

• The data collected from the weather stations is on display at the school and serves as a great source for weather lessons and impromptu discussions.